Sunday, August 24, 2014

Simple Truth

The tiny silver droplet hung as if suspended in mid-air. Smooth in form, and free from blemishes, its smooth surface reflecting back all light. Invisible to most people, and to those that did get a glimpse often mistaken as merely a raindrop, and never given a second thought. Encased within the droplet, the meaning of life, the universe and existence. A truth, so pure, so simple, conveyed only to those lucky enough to have come into contact with the drop. A truth imparted not through words alone, but with emotion and understood by every inch of their body. Each person touched becoming part of it, working together in perfect unison, in order to achieve the same goal. The truth contained within it so pure and undiluted, nothing missing and no need to question. A meaning, impossible to convey to others for emotions are things extremely difficult to relay.

Those untouched, greedy for the knowledge outside their grasp. They see the touched driven by some force, yet do not understand. Also tainted by greed, for often is the way with humans, everyone yearns for that which they do not have. They do not realise that their never-ending search for the knowledge, lowers their chances of finding it, for they add such a complexity, that the truth will never be accepted. Each seeker looks to the touched for clues, clues to what it is that drives them. They piece together the things that they have learnt, and often cast aside or overlook any emotions imparted with that knowledge.

Many people will not find the knowledge in their lifetime, and so scared in case their work has been in vain; they share their knowledge with a younger generation, so that the search will go on. Missing gaps are filled in with assumed knowledge, often far departed from the truth. Simple truths are also complicated to make them more understandable, and tainted with information which doesn't belong. Through the generations as the search continues, the human species expand in intelligence, and with it the more abstract and absurd the theories become. Those seekers who become touched by the droplet struggle to balance the pure and simple with the complex analysis that they have arrived at. Instead often they choose to stick to their tainted reasoning, and calling the truth the fool's way, or the path for the weak.

Each rejected touch, draws damage. At first merely scratches, but the more the scratches the less reflective the surface becomes, and as the centuries pass the droplet becomes visible to the seekers. But it is seen as a threat, a threat to the complicated theories that have been developed. A threat, for many people will no longer have to depend upon each other. If all learn of the truth, the society which has been developed will be unbalanced and unable to function. There is only one solution, it must be destroyed, destroyed so it cannot threaten anymore.

Tainted by reasoning, damaged by fools, split into fragments, it comes crashing to the ground. No more a unit, but broken in parts, all the power and knowledge deep within, gone, and lost for evermore.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dancing Child

Deep in the shadows the rotting bones lay,
Life’s stories replaced with years of decay.
The only signs that a life once flew,
Was a torn ribbon and dirty ballet shoe.

In my mind’s eye, I created once more,
As I lay under clouds on the eastern shore.
I dreamt of a little girl with rosy cheeks
Who danced and danced for weeks and weeks.

And as she danced, her golden hair flew
On sand so white, and sea so blue.
The king looked on as did his bride,
Their hearts so warm and full of pride.

The world rejoiced, the birds did sing,
And after then, did take to wing.
To spread the word, far and wide
Of this precious dancing child.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Muddled Head
Muddled head, again confused
Bright light, tortures me
Let me go into the dark
Once more return to peace.

Voices now, tear through my soul
Rip me from my fitful sleep
Eyes open. No one there
Past demons torment me

Once again the curtains shut
Quickly darkness it descends
Calmness I seek within
Finding only rising pain.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fading Soul

Full of laughter, full of life
Green moss grows on every side
Little insects move within
Hungry bird beaks take their fill

You took me from my resting place
Wrenched me from the earth so warm
And now I stand here all alone
Devoid of life, I’ve lost my soul

You carved an ugly face upon me
As if you thought you’d make me live
You smiled as you made me human
The great Artist bringing life

You failed to see me for what I was
Only saw what you could make me be
Yet I was living, peaceful, happy
You tore my fragile soul from me

You humans like your world so clean
You washed, cleansed me of all I knew
Now you stand me, tall and proud
In your lifeless concrete world

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

False Friendship

We live in reality. Our spirit and dreams are broken as we must pursue a broken path. A path intertwined with destruction yet we claim purity. Behind the fake smiles, the empty promises we call ourselves friends. As if by being human we have something in common with each other. Or just because we walk this path together or simply meet along the way that gives the stranger the right to call himself our friend. But ultimately I am alone and together we walk - our thoughts only audible within our own minds and outside we raise the banner and say sadly “we are feeling okay today”

I have never felt beaten as I feel now. Never felt betrayed in such a way. Finality is a cruel punishment to take, repeated actions eventually remove any hope we have of blurring the truth. There is only so many times you can bash your head off the stone wall before you realise that your head will crack and break many times before the wall even contemplates defeat. There comes a time where we must stop fighting for ourselves and simply merge into whatever greater power that tries to consume us.

I wish I had just been bruised and torn for at least then these wounds would heal. But the actions and words from those around me cut far deeper than the sharpest knife. A festering wound that eats away at my heart and soul and saps me of any energy I can find. You and I are never focused enough to allow these wounds to heal. Each time a layer falls away and I see myself staring at beasts. The beast that I am becoming and the one that you have become within my mind.

We know we are broken. But something within me still moves me to want to try. And so I will accept these chains, they will remind me that I try too hard and it is not my place to rise and shine. The sun may rise and shine and the moon may take her glory but there is never a third to steal their place among the skies. For the stars they are many and if there were no moon would they shine so bright?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spirit Past

I am the spirit past, the one who was but is no more. My name was whispered on the wind, but hushed now forever more. Many spoke my name in fear, but those who knew me spoke of love. The world was mine, the air swirled from my palms, and birds and butterflies danced by my side. The world was beautiful, the magic one – birds, beasts and plants lived as one, united in harmony, feeding me and I in return feeding them. I created wonderful pictures and brought them light, the sun peeping through the clouds over the mountain top, the dew glistening on the grass in the faint morning light, the great cascading waterfall full of foam and bubbles as it fell from a great height. The world was mine, my colours streaked across the sky.
Then the darkness came, clouded by the brains of man. Their new found intelligence brought danger to my lands. They stole my mysteries, giving thanks for my power to their newborn gods. They destroyed my forests, clearing lands to construct abominations. The strong lead the weak, creating laws and rules to keep the people subdued. They created histories that never were, created heroes and prophets that never existed. They slew and tortured all those that openly worshiped me. I tried to fight back but my power slowly diminished over time. I had an army once but they now have all gone beneath my soil. There are few who would help me, but they know not how to call me. They sit and gaze, revel in my beauty, feel it’s peace and power. They reach out with their hearts and their minds but they cannot touch for my power is no more and I am left here in a crippled state watching my world dying, watching all that I love fall apart, and in the end too I will surely wither and die.